"How Can the World Wide Web
Help My Local Business
Which Has Local Clients??"
Do you have a small business (1-10 employees), that is largely offline? Are your clientele mostly local? For example...
- a real estate agent or lawyer in Tempe, Arizona... or Anguilla, British West Indies -- own your geographic niche
- a landscaper in Juneau, Alaska -- get the jump on competitors
- a gas station in Hudson, New York -- build a devoted clientele
- a Mexican restaurant in Vista, California -- run "Net specials of the week"
- a bagpiper in Ottawa, Canada -- get hired for "gigs" for 100 miles around
- a grocery store in Bristol, England -- differentiate yourself and take business from competitors
- a local manufacturing company -- attract and support customers.
You might think that the Net, more specifically your own Web site, offers few opportunities for businesses with a customer base clustered in a small geographic area. After all, the Web is "world wide"... a "global medium."
And you would have been fairly correct, up until recently. Now though, there are powerful ways to grab customers from local competitors, expand your customer radius and even take your local business global!
I started my SBI site because I work about 55 hours a week on my therapy practice.
I love my job but I'm exhausted and frustrated because of the volume of clients I have to see in my office. Managed care has essentially destroyed psychotherapy. We have to work so hard for so little money.
My plan is to create some other sources of income and attract higher paying clients through my website. The point is to see less clients, for more money, so I don't go crazy.
I have only just begun building my site but am so excited! To make a long story short, yesterday I received three referrals from people in my area who had found me through my website. These three clients were higher paying clients, the kind of clients I want to attract.
My clients love my website! I can point them to different pages that are relevant for their situation. The kids in my practice enjoy making artwork and creating poetry that I put on it. I love writing new information to help the clients and parents I work with.
The three new clients will pay for SBI in one week! This has been such a great thing for me, I never anticipated it would be so helpful and satisfying. In the long run I think SBI will save my job and enable me to keep helping people into retirement.
Thanks to SBI.
Kristen Mcclure
Matters Have Been Changing Rapidly
More and more, your potential clients are forsaking those heavy Yellow Pages paper books for Google and other engines. It's easy and fast to do a search for "lawn care Montpelier" -- and if you don't find one in the town of Montpelier, widen the search to "lawn care Vermont" -- try widening your search with Yellow Pages!
And it's not just the clients. Faster and faster, local businesses are coming online. They are using the Net to...
- build trust and deepen relationships with existing local customers by providing friendly, personal information about the business, great content (ex., valuable "do-it-yourself" articles), "web site only" specials, etc. (but this is only the first and most obvious step)
- raise their local profile above that of competitors
- promote locally and take customers from competitors
- continue to stay "top-of-mind" and deepen relationships with customers through an e-zine (and build sales, too -- ex., "It's spring, which means it's time for aerating and fertilizing your lawn." - OR - "Announcing our Web-site-only-10%-off-your-next-oil-change coupon")
- build targeted traffic to find new customers, even add entirely new income streams (ex., as a chimney sweep, your articles on fire safety not only endear you to local customers, but will attract global ones too -- you can monetize this traffic through Google AdSense ads and affiliate programs, as we will see below)
- leverage their local expertise and knowledge for global clients, selling their goods online, even through online auctions (see monetization article below).
It's time -- develop a solid Web presence, generate targeted traffic, build loyalty through a newsletter for customers, get the edge on local competition, and add new income streams. How do you do that? It's all in the process.
Is a Web site already on your to-do list, but you are not sure how to create one, or how you can even free up enough time to do one? Call us and find out what the best solution is for your business. You can do it yourself by following a step-by-step process or have SiteSell Services build a successful Web site for you. Our expert SBI! Advisor will help you choose the solution that best matches your needs and time availability.
Think Of A Web Site As A Super-Yellow Pages Ad
This "ad" delivers 100 times the results... at 1/10 of the price. People are searching less and less by the offline and more by the online
If your small, local business does not use a Net presence to promote itself, keep in touch with its customers, extend its reach, and take your competitors' customers, your competitors will do it to you, and soon. Yes...
Use the Web...
Before Your LOCAL Competition Does
Do you sell car parts in Chicago?...
Or acupuncture in Montreal, Canada?...
Whatever your local business may be... Your world, your reach, your impact is now much, much bigger than a 4" x 2" Yellow Pages ad. This site shows you how to get 1,000 times (literally) the value of a Yellow Pages ad from a Web site, regardless of the type of local business or local clientele you have, and regardless of your background... starting from scratch, no technical skills or Net marketing mastery required.
Does Your Yellow Pages Ad...
- attract hundreds, even thousands, of visitors, many of whom become new business, per day?
- PREsell prospective customers before they call you?
- nurture, encourage and develop the relationship you already maintain with existing customers, increasing both loyalty and repeat business??
- command undivided attention? Once they are on your site, you have their total attention (unlike a crowded Yellow Pages page)!
- take clients away from competitors?
- develop new ways to monetize your skills and knowledge?
- give you the ability to update frequently and to reach your clients with seasonal specials, interesting tidbits, etc.?
- open new markets globally (yes, your local business!)?
How could it? After all, what could you possibly accomplish in a small rectangle, on a big Yellow Page crammed with other ads? Compare typical Yellow Pages results with SBI! results (which cost far less than a 4" x 2" ad)...
No Competition
Indeed... how could a 4" x 2" Yellow Pages ad (let alone an invisible line-listing) compete with a SBI!-built Web site? Compare...
Yellow Pages Ad | SBI!-Built Web Site | |
Content | There's very little you can say about your business in a tiny little rectangle. And don't even try to update your content during the year! | Show off your local business to its best advantage. No size, color, or media limitations. Update anytime -- make special offers, let visitors know about new products or services, etc. |
Visitor attention | Near zero -- eyes scanning listings | Total -- once your prospective customer is on your site, you have 100% of his/her attention. |
Visitor mindset | Dubious, suspicious -- Yellow Pages is advertising. We've all had experiences with services that were downright dismal. Zero credibility. | Interested, open-to-buy, PREsold -- they found you through Google, feel smart, and read your excellent content, becoming PREsold upon you as an expert who shares. A Web site that provides as much business information as your prospect needs, along with friendly/useful content, allows the prospective client to know and trust you. High credibility. |
Exposure, traffic | Near-zero -- it may generate a few calls per week (per month)? | Substantial -- attract hundreds, even thousands, of targeted visitors per day, on an ongoing, ever-building basis. And, if you do it right (and you will), they will return to your site. Your e-zine also gives you the opportunity to reach your customers on a repeat basis. |
Measurable | No -- do you have any idea how many exposures you get, or how many people call or visit due to your ad? How can you measure ROI (Return on Investment)? | Yes -- you will know exactly how many visitors arrive, every day, every hour... and you will know everything about them. You know the Lifetime Value of a new customer (i.e., the amount of profit that a new customer will bring to your business over his/her lifetime of dealing with you). It makes it so easy to compare that against the cost of an SBI! Web site. |
Build customer loyalty | N/A -- not applicable | Your own e-zine -- develop an increasing sense of loyalty with existing customers, as well as repeat business. You can reach them, free, whenever you want to. |
Competitive advantage | Low -- everyone takes a Yellow Pages ad. That's why you did. Who gets the attention? The companies with the expensive BIG ads. EVERYWHERE. | High -- your Web site, properly done, can both build new local business and pull your competition's customers to you. |
New revenue streams | No -- Yellow Pages just advertises that you have a business. | Yes -- an SBI! site builds content, which builds targeted visitors and establishes you as an authority in your field. This establishes the potential for multiple streams of income that can even surpass total income from your current local business. More on this below. |
Open new markets | No -- Yellow Pages is a local medium. | Yes -- the Net is a global medium. More and more, it will replace large paper-bound directories as the way to find local businesses with local clientele. But obviously, it also opens up global potential. More on this below. |
Expandable search -- geography | No -- Yellow Pages is a local directory. And it's totally non-interactive. Users either find you... or not. If you did not buy a listing for a particular locale, they won't. | Yes -- suppose the local curling club is looking for a bag-piper in its local town. None? Look in the adjacent town(s). Still none? Look in the nearest mid-size city. Ah... There you are. Better still, SBI! shows you how to get found for that first town... even if your office is not located there. |
Expandable search -- keywords | No -- you buy a listing for a single category. If a user searches in a different-but-related category, s/he won't find you. For example, you sell and service sprinkler systems in your town? Your prospect is looking up "landscapers" -- s/he calls the landscaper who recommends a competitor. | Yes -- your prospect searches for "+landscapers +your-town" and finds you (because you created some content about landscaping), is PREsold by your site's excellent information, and calls YOU. |
Cost | Expensive -- hundreds of dollars per year, per listing, per geographic area, per category, for each 4" x 2". | Inexpensive -- an SBI! site costs less than a single 4" x 2" Yellow Pages ad, no limit on keywords (i.e., how prospects find you), geography, size, etc. No complicated packages, just one single yearly fee. |
Are you wondering about how to really use the Web to grow your business and get the best ROI (Return on Investment) for your money and time? To get free advice from our expert SBI! Advisor, click here now.
Right At This Moment, A Customer Is At Google...
Will Yours Be The Business That is Found?
Despite the overwhelming advantages of a Web site, most small local businesses have at least one Yellow Pages ad, but they do not have a Web site. (Or if they do, their sites are dying from a lack of traffic and results.)
That is all about to change.
Yes... If your business is primarily driven by local clientele, you can still survive without a Web site for the next short while. But local businesses are catching on to the Net...
- to use this global medium to grow their local businesses
- to steal your customers
- even to add brand new revenue streams that they would never have thought possible.
Combine this growing small business trend with another one... more and more consumers find those big, heavy paper Yellow Pages too inconvenient and limiting. It's so much easier and flexible to use Google and other Search Engines. People are now comfortable with the Net -- and soon, most will be using broadband access with 24 x 7 constant, convenient and high-speed access.
The Days Of Tree-Sucking Yellow Pages Are Numbered
Increasing numbers of searching pre-customers use the Net to find local businesses. More and more small local businesses are using the Net. A self-feeding trend is hitting critical mass.
All major Search Engines consider local online search of paramount importance. Google, Yahoo!, MSN and other search engines recognize that more and more surfers search for local purposes.
To the left, you see an example of a search for pizzas in San Francisco. Your business must be the one that is found when someone searches for something related to your business in your region.
The rapid growth and importance of the Search Engines for local search will accelerate the demise of the 20-pound paper-bound directory of businesses.
Looking for a plant nursery in Fargo, North Dakota? Easy, just go to Google and enter "plant nursery Fargo" -- if you draw a blank, try "landscaper Fargo", etc. If you still don't find one, just widen your search to a nearby city or to the entire state. Try that with Fargo's Yellow Pages!
With a Web site, the smallest of companies can compete on the same footing as the biggest. You do not have to buy complicated, expensive Yellow Pages packages, multiple half-page ads, to get "full coverage" across several business categories or geographic regions to "get noticed." Actually, SBI! gives you a substantial advantage over bigger companies, specifically because of your niche.
SBI! shows you how to build a highly trafficked site that will, in turn, build your offline, local business, and it gives you all the tools to do it yourself...
You can pull high volumes of targeted traffic to your site, by building pages that focus upon frequently searched keywords applicable to topics related to your business. Traffic that will dwarf what the Yellow Pages delivers on a dollar-per-thousand inquiries basis, and traffic that may open up entire new horizons.
While a Yellow Pages ad may generate a few inquiries per week (per month?), SBI! generates this kind of business potential, both locally and (with a bit of entrepreneurial imagination) globally (if you want)...
Dear SiteSell Team,
I own and operate a small asphalt business. My business was focused locally until I started to use SBI! to promote my business.
As you can understand, treating and sealing driveways and making repairs to asphalt is really something that has to be done physically and therefore the local focus.
However when I started working on my SBI site I realized that I could take my business to a new level and reach out on a much broader basis. My knowledge and understanding of my business allowed me to create very interesting content that would be relevant to consumers and do it yourselfers as well as small contractors. It didn't take me long to realize that I could develop my own affiliate referral program where folks that were looking for a reference on someone in their area would come to me for that reference.
Also, I saw the opportunity to apply all my learning around the kinds of equipment and supplies that it takes to run a small asphalt business by offering the equipment for sale on my site. So I packaged up my knowledge with some excellent equipment and now I market it as a "business in a box" solution where someone interested in starting up their own asphalt treatment business could come to me for a turnkey step by step solution, from the equipment and supplies through to the business plan and spread sheet pro formas.
There is no question that SBI has changed the way I look at my business and my future. I now understand how I can take my knowledge and package it up and reach a world wide audience. A great example of this is the recent inquiry that I received from the Contracting Officer of the Contracting Squadron of the U.S. Armed Forces in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan...
"We are looking for commercial items to take care of the runway here in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. An asphalt router/saw and a hot pour crackfill applicator. As you might imagine it is in poor shape so these machines will be getting a lot of use. Thanks in advance for your assistance."
Yes, the U.S. Army! All the way from a third world country that I've never heard of. What amazing reach! (My site beats many much bigger companies at the engines, scoring in the top 150,000 at Alexa.)
Thanks for something that allows me to take my local business, repackage it, and sell it to the world. It has added an entirely new angle and revenue base.
Judd Burdon
Tired of losing customers to your competitors? Looking for a time-saving way to generate new leads? These questions may be different but the answer is the same -- an SBI! Web site!
Too busy? Let SiteSell Services do everything for you. They deliver results, while you do what you do best!
Ask our expert SBI! Advisor how your business can stand out from the crowd and attract dozens and dozens of new customers. Get the advice you need now by clicking here.
Bishkek, Kyrgyztan? The U.S. Army?
What New Revenue Sources Could Your Business Add?
Not only will you attract new local customers, take away your competitor's customers while building loyalty among yours, you could also open up entire new revenue streams by offering...
- consulting sessions to global customers (ex., how to improve the efficiency of your driveway sealing business)
- products for sale to global customers, either B2B or B2C (ex., Judd Burdon packaged sealing and paving equipment and tools, and sells "a business in a box" package deal B2B globally)
- other monetization models that convert your traffic into income (more on this below).
Just about any local small business can use the Net to add global income. A landscaper in Juneau, Alaska might appear to have limited "global" opportunities. But that very local business could, on the basis of creating a high-value "Gardening and Landscaping in Northern Climes" Web site, offer a variety of related hard goods (books, tools, etc.), e-goods (e-book on "The World's Hardiest Annuals and Perennials")... even consulting services.
If an asphalt sealer can package and sell to the U.S. Army in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, you are clearly limited only by your imagination.
SBI! Eliminates All Your Barriers
What prevents you from starting and building a thriving online presence that will help you to grow your offline local business and add new income streams to it?
- No budget? This site shows you how to get 100 times the value of a Yellow Pages ad for 1/10th of the cost of the ads above.
- No ability? Yes, Search Engine mastery can be crushing. SBI! eliminates the need for all that.
- No knowledge? The only knowledge you need is your business/your customer. Leave the rest to SBI!.
If you have been thinking about a Web site, you can overcome these hurdles. Read this site especially carefully. It may save you months of going down the wrong road.
If you have already tried and failed (and think that "the Net doesn't work"), it's time to adjust your thinking. You can overcome the barriers.
Successful Online-Business-Building Is All About Following The Right Process, Using Strong Tools, And Smart Work
The process is just as important as the tools. Do things right the first time, step by step... and good results happen. So many businesses fail because they just "put up a site." And then, a few months later... "Nah... the Net didn't do anything for me!"
This SBI! process shows you the way to build a strong online presence that will generate traffic, build credibility and trust, and get the sale... all of which grows your existing offline, local business, at a minimum. It will also extend your business into new monetization avenues, should you so desire.
Convert knowledge and information related to your business niche into a theme-based content site. Yes, you can do this yourself, from the ground up, one step at a time. Or you can consult a SiteSell Services Specialist to either help you, or do it for you.
SBI! takes what you know, and helps you turn that into your own unique content on your own unique Web site. You use the SBI! system of no-tech-skills-needed tools to execute the flawless step-by-step process to build a theme-based content site.
Yes... even bagpiping!
Spend Your Time On Your Business, Not Technology
SBI! automates the tedious elements of site promotion and management so all your time is devoted to building your business... not fighting technology and complexity. A series of professional, integrated tools are further designed specifically to maximize your Return On Investment (ROI).
Your growing site generates targeted visitors who quickly become warm, willing PREsold prospective clients. They are ready for you to "monetize" (i.e., convert into income through a variety of methods/models). Will you use your site only to grow your local business, or to expand its revenue bases? That's up to you (more on this later).
How Good Is SBI!?
SBI! gives you the best chance to succeed online. You will...
- take away your competitor's business
- own your geographic area for your particular niche
- expand your business with new revenue streams.
The key is in the process, and in the all-in-one set of tools that permit you, or a SiteSell Services Specialist (if you just don't have the time or inclination to do it yourself), to execute the process (no matter how un-savvy you may be). Let's review that process step by step...
Convert Knowledge into Information by Publishing It On the Web.
Then Convert that Content Into Targeted Traffic and Income
Most local small businesses, if they build a site at all, build it about themselves. "About Us"... The president and key personnel. The history... how long they've been in business. Awards they've won. The product line. Charming photos... "Here's me and the gang by the doo-hickey machine."
Yes, it is important to show and explain your business to its best advantage. But it's more important to build content (i.e., information) about the niche that your business fills. Why?
Because (and this is important)...
People search for information, for solutions... they do not search for YOU. If they knew you existed, they would not be searching. They would already be customers.
You want a site that will be searched-and-found by prospective new customers... hundreds of them... then thousands, steadily building as your site gains in reputation and relevance at the engines (especially now that they are putting special emphasis on local search). So...
Here is how to build a Web site that WORKS... one that will build a more profitable local business by publishing information, using SBI!'s process, strategies and software tools (all working together)...
STEP 1) Consider your offline local business from your customer's point of view. What niche do you occupy? What problems do you solve? Develop the best Site Concept/Theme that is right for you.
STEP 2) Brainstorm profitable topics that are related to your theme.
STEP 3) Build your Theme-Based Content Site -- fill it by publishing high-value content and information that potential customers want.
(No HTML knowledge needed. "Guru-in-your-ear" online-help and tools like Analyze It! guide you, resulting in high-quality content that is also "Search-Engine-sexy.")
STEP 4) The theme-based content attracts targeted visitors (i.e., potential customers) because you have written it to rank highly at the engines, in a "no-tricks way" that the Search Engines love... an ethical, effective way to attract targeted customers to your site. Motivated, interested traffic builds. Powerful, automated tools make it possible for anyone to build targeted traffic in a time-and-cost effective manner.
(Search Engines are, by far, the #1 way that surfers find Web sites. If they can't find your site, it does not exist. As the engines improve their algorithms, all the Search Engine experts say that well-written theme sites are what will rank best over the coming years.)
STEP 5) Your high-value, original content PREsells your targeted visitors, winning confidence and trust by providing the information they seek, by establishing yourself in this niche. It credentializes you in the eyes of your potential new customers. And your e-zine (electronic newsletter) deepens the relationship, building more and more trust.
SPECIAL TIP: Yes, collect e-mail addresses of potential new customers through your Web site. But also... one way or another, start right now and get the e-mail address of every single existing offline customer, with their understanding that they'll receive your new, free, valuable e-zine.
STEP 6) All your good efforts are rewarded... new customers! Increased loyalty from existing ones. And, if you like, your business generates additional income streams through new monetization models appropriate to your business ... revenues made possible only by the Internet, but related to your main business.
No tricks, no games, no magic formulas or "never before revealed secrets."
You take care of business.
SBI! works "behind the scenes" so that you can take care of business.
Bottom line? Your site delivers great content on a particular set of topics (all related to your site's theme, which is related to your offline business). People find your content through your high rankings at the Search Engines (and other techniques). They convert into income.
The more information you publish, the more visitors find your site and are PREsold. The process feeds upon itself as you attract more and more profitable customers.
Yes, You Can Do This
No, You Are Not "Too Busy"
You Cannot Afford To Be "Too Busy"
Start now and do it. Before your local competitor does it to you.
There is no limit to the number of niches in the small business world... nor to how you can capitalize on the Web. From motorcycle parts sales to medical clinics, from transmission "artists" to tattoo artists, from golf driving ranges to car driving schools, you can do this.
SBI! makes it all possible. If you can get and send e-mail and surf the Web, you can indeed do all of the above... all by yourself. Or give it to an employee to do. Or, if you simply are too busy or not so inclined... hire a SiteSell Services Specialist.
Now that it is possible to target consumers by city, right down to the zip/postal code, more businesses than ever are using the Internet to reach local markets. It's time for you to get that jump.
Net Result? A Site That WORKS
Is Like Having 1,000 Yellow Pages Ads
Building Your Local Small Business
SBI! is the ultimate online business-building process and system of tools. No matter what your local small business niche is, you need a Web site now.
You'll soon be the name in your business category in your part of the world. And go beyond that... Add monetization models that reach the world.
SBI! sites succeed.
Other companies would, too, if they could. But 99% of their small business sites fail. You cannot afford to lose a year of your life and thousands of dollars, which is what failure costs.
With SBI!, you'll soon have a site that attracts warm and willing-to-buy visitors...
YOUR visitors. And then... YOUR customers.
You have a future to gain, a past (i.e., knowledge) to convert into income, and absolutely nothing to lose...
"Venture nothing, and life is less than it should be."
Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990)
Take advantage of our Money-Back "Confidence of Success" Guarantee.
Use it to convert your purchase into a
"no risk take-it-home-for-a-test-drive" trial.
In other words...
Purchase and then decide.